
  • claim_main_fragment
    • customerCatCode
    • catastropheCode
    • dateClosed
    • plannedInspectionDate
    • dateInspected
    • dateReopened
    • customer
    • claimTeam
    • severity
    • specialNotes
    • lossCity
    • lossAmount
    • lossState
    • lossStreet
    • propertyStatus
    • claimExceptions
    • lossZip
    • lossDate
    • lossDescription
    • firstLossNotice
    • policyNumber
    • policy
    • policyStartDate
    • policyEndDate
    • coinsurance
    • planId
    • formNumbers
    • settlement
    • reopenSettlementType
    • reportDueDate
    • loanNumber
    • mortgage
    • liabilityType
    • recoveriesType



Default Data

Property Value
Model Format same as normalized format
Normalized Format
Globals\ClaimManagementBundle\Entity\Claim {#2169
  -id: 1115581
  -claimNumber: "300-0613611-2024"
  -insurerCode: null
  -clientEmail: null
  -insurerAddress: null
  -insurerName: null
  -insurerGroup: null
  -fileNumber: null
  -reportDueDate: DateTime @1727982846 {#2158
    date: 2024-10-03 14:14:06.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -yearBuilt: 0
  -policyNumber: "4880903102"
  -policyStartDate: DateTime @1715662800 {#2160
    date: 2024-05-14 00:00:00.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -policyEndDate: DateTime @1747198800 {#2161
    date: 2025-05-14 00:00:00.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -policyLimit: 0.0
  -lossStreet: "42033 UKKELBERG DR"
  -lossCity: "CLITHERALL"
  -lossState: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\ResourceManagementBundle\Entity\State {#771
    +__isInitialized__: true
    -id: 23
    -stateCode: "MN"
    -stateName: "Minnesota"
    -censusDivisionName: "West North Central"
    -counties: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#3830 …}
    -createdAt: null
    -updatedAt: null
  -lossCounty: null
  -lossZip: "56524-9631"
  -lossDate: DateTime @1724648400 {#2162
    date: 2024-08-26 00:00:00.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -lossNotes: ""
  -lossDescription: "Water leak the contractor put a fitting to stop a leak and it was occurring and pulled boards off the floor all wet almost fell through the floor"
  -lossAmount: 0.0
  -firstLossNotice: null
  -catastropheCode: "2024/0139"
  -severity: 0
  -dateReceived: DateTime @1727371227 {#2163
    date: 2024-09-26 12:20:27.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -dateCreated: DateTime @1727371227 {#2164
    date: 2024-09-26 12:20:27.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -dateOpened: null
  -dateContacted: DateTime @1727382900 {#2165
    date: 2024-09-26 15:35:00.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -plannedInspectionDate: null
  -reportToId: null
  -dateInspected: DateTime @1728004500 {#2166
    date: 2024-10-03 20:15:00.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -dateReviewReady: null
  -dateInvoiceReady: null
  -dateClosed: null
  -dateReopened: null
  -dateRejected: null
  -needsInspection: true
  -needsThirdParty: false
  -isLocked: false
  -isCat: false
  -xactErrorMessage: ""
  -xactErrorCode: ""
  -formNumbers: "[01-22] 17392, [10-21] 57773"
  -formNumbersSet: "[01-22] 17392, [10-21] 57773"
  -mortgage: ""
  -coinsurance: ""
  -loanNumber: ""
  -settlementType: ""
  -specialNotes: ""
  -policyType: ""
  -propertyStatus: null
  -claimExceptions: null
  -customer: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\CustomerManagementBundle\Entity\Customer {#2320
    +__isInitialized__: true
    -id: 5727
    -carrierId: "3372030"
    -companyName: "Auto-Owners Claims Branch"
    -address: "??"
    -city: "??"
    -state: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\ResourceManagementBundle\Entity\State {#2838 …}
    -zip: "48909"
    -phone: "(800) 346-0346"
    -fax: "(517) 886-8751"
    -email: ""
    -allowToVoidInvoice: "Y"
    -notSendInvoiceXact: "N"
    -hoverReportStatus: 0
    -billingAddress: "P.O. Box 30660"
    -billingCity: "Lansing"
    -billingState: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\ResourceManagementBundle\Entity\State {#2838 …}
    -billingZip: "48909"
    -billingPhone: "(517) 323-1200"
    -billingFax: "(517) 323-8796"
    -isTaxable: false
    -taxRate: false
    -daysToDiary: 7
    -customerNotes: ""
    -isActive: true
    -website: null
    -hasEmailAlerts: true
    -hasOpenLetter: false
    -hasReopenLetter: true
    -hasCloseLetter: false
    -comments: null
    -handlingInstructions: ""
    -invoiceRate: null
    -accountingReferenceId: null
    -claims: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2837 …}
    -disbursementLists: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2761 …}
    -feeScheduleCategories: null
    -autoDiaries: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2911 …}
    -adminFee: 0.0
    -minServiceExpense: 0.0
    -custAdminFee: 0.0
    -clientIntegrationType: 2
    -subCompanyId: 1
    -emailSubjectLine: "Claim #: claim_number- insured_full_name"
    -customerResources: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2908 …}
    -customerReporting: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2941 …}
    -customerCoverage: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2947 …}
    -tpaUi: false
    -echeckEmail: ""
    -fiscalStartMonth: 0
    -fiscalStartDay: 0
    -fiscalEndMonth: 0
    -fiscalEndDay: 0
    -fiscalYearChanged: null
    -invoiceWatermark: "FILE COPY DO NOT PAY"
    -attachAllReportsInvoice: true
    -validPaymentWindow: 0
    -xactProfileCode: "AZ"
    -symbilityProfileCode: null
    -clientPartner: null
    -subCompany: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\CompanyManagementBundle\Entity\Company {#3067 …}
    -updatedAt: DateTime @1690837666 {#2840
      date: 2023-07-31 16:07:46.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
    -isAutoclaim: false
    -allowExpense: false
    -billTo: null
    -accountingCode: null
    -insurerGroup: null
  -status: 15
  -minorBday: null
  -subStatusId: 0
  -settlement: null
  -policy: null
  -lossLocations: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2280 …}
  -reserves: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2262 …}
  -coverages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2182 …}
  -deductibles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2225 …}
  -resources: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2227 …}
  -previousResources: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2248 …}
  -notes: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2342 …}
  -disbursements: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2375 …}
  -claimsInsureds: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2402 …}
  -claimsOtherParty: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2429 …}
  -claimPerils: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2449 …}
  -invoices: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2515 …}
  -duplicateClaims: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2473 …}
  -adminFeeCharged: 0
  -claimTeam: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\ClaimManagementBundle\Entity\ClaimTeam {#2588
    +__isInitialized__: true
    -id: 66
    -name: "800 Auto-Owners"
    -description: ""
    -enabled: true
    -company: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\CompanyManagementBundle\Entity\Company {#3067 …}
    -customer: null
    -resourceCap: 100
    -catRadius: 1500
    -catCarrierId: 500
    -xactTeam: 1
    -symbilityTeam: 0
    -catLat: 41.403465
    -catLng: -86.287529
    -claimTeamResources: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#3795 …}
    -email: null
    -updatedAt: DateTime @1721679778 {#3794
      date: 2024-07-22 15:22:58.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
    -dispatchTeam: false
    -carrierDispatchTeams: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#3816 …}
  -planId: null
  -transactionId: "063YS5W"
  -hasClaimantInvolved: false
  -peril: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\ClaimManagementBundle\Entity\Peril {#2557 …}
  -subPeril: null
  -assignmentDate: null
  -inspectionNote: ""
  -mortgageBank: ""
  -claimRep: null
  -claimBranchCode: null
  -assigneeDisplay: null
  -priorLossInfo: null
  -parentTask: null
  -subTaskIndex: 0
  -sentToApi: null
  -reopenDenialDescriptionLine: null
  -isCasualtyClaim: false
  -colors: [
    5 => "E04541"
    10 => "FF0000"
    12 => "3C3AAD"
    13 => "62219B"
    14 => "543904"
    15 => "397FD3"
    20 => "551a8b"
    23 => "32cd32"
    25 => "0000ff"
    30 => "333338"
  -names: [
    5 => "Unassigned"
    6 => "Unassigned"
    10 => "First Contact"
    12 => "Re-Inspection"
    13 => "Re-Opened"
    14 => "Returned Files"
    15 => "In Progress"
    20 => "Ready for Review"
    23 => "In Progress - Examiner"
    25 => "Ready for Invoice"
    30 => "Closed"
    66 => "Draft"
    97 => "Claim Tech closing"
    98 => "Pending examiner"
    99 => "In progress - Claim tech"
    100 => "DA Review"
    101 => "Final Report Due"
    103 => "Status Report Uploaded"
    106 => "Ready to invoice TPA"
  -mastPol: null
  -mastPolStart: null
  -mastPolEnd: null
  -referred: false
  -propertyType: null
  -umr: null
  -denial: false
  -reviewer: null
  -agent: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\ClaimManagementBundle\Entity\ClaimAgent {#2562 …}
  -claimType: null
  -claimLimits: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2589 …}
  -reportPDFStacking: null
  -parent: 0
  -treatyNumber: "0"
  -subTreatyNumber: "0"
  -assignmentId: null
  -assistiveResource: null
  -agencyNumber: null
  -adjustingFirmClaimNumber: null
  -lossLatitude: "46.2957603"
  -lossLongitude: "-95.6144147"
  -denialDescriptionLine: null
  -cwopReason: null
  -reopenAckDate: null
  -reopenClosedDate: null
  -reopenSettlementType: null
  -reopenCwopRsn: null
  -lineOfBusiness: null
  -customerCatCode: ""
  -liabilityType: null
  -recoveriesType: null
  -propertyDamageType: null
  -updatedAt: DateTime @1728004819 {#2167
    date: 2024-10-03 20:20:19.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -isClaimCategory: 1
  -resourcesExternal: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2594 …}
  -autoClaim: null
  -coverageEffectiveDate: null
  -contact: null
  -contactResponsePhone: null
View Format same as normalized format

Submitted Data

This form was not submitted.

Passed Options

Option Passed Value Resolved Value
Globals\ClaimManagementBundle\Entity\Claim {#2169
  -id: 1115581
  -claimNumber: "300-0613611-2024"
  -insurerCode: null
  -clientEmail: null
  -insurerAddress: null
  -insurerName: null
  -insurerGroup: null
  -fileNumber: null
  -reportDueDate: DateTime @1727982846 {#2158
    date: 2024-10-03 14:14:06.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -yearBuilt: 0
  -policyNumber: "4880903102"
  -policyStartDate: DateTime @1715662800 {#2160
    date: 2024-05-14 00:00:00.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -policyEndDate: DateTime @1747198800 {#2161
    date: 2025-05-14 00:00:00.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -policyLimit: 0.0
  -lossStreet: "42033 UKKELBERG DR"
  -lossCity: "CLITHERALL"
  -lossState: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\ResourceManagementBundle\Entity\State {#771
    +__isInitialized__: true
    -id: 23
    -stateCode: "MN"
    -stateName: "Minnesota"
    -censusDivisionName: "West North Central"
    -counties: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#3830 …}
    -createdAt: null
    -updatedAt: null
  -lossCounty: null
  -lossZip: "56524-9631"
  -lossDate: DateTime @1724648400 {#2162
    date: 2024-08-26 00:00:00.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -lossNotes: ""
  -lossDescription: "Water leak the contractor put a fitting to stop a leak and it was occurring and pulled boards off the floor all wet almost fell through the floor"
  -lossAmount: 0.0
  -firstLossNotice: null
  -catastropheCode: "2024/0139"
  -severity: 0
  -dateReceived: DateTime @1727371227 {#2163
    date: 2024-09-26 12:20:27.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -dateCreated: DateTime @1727371227 {#2164
    date: 2024-09-26 12:20:27.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -dateOpened: null
  -dateContacted: DateTime @1727382900 {#2165
    date: 2024-09-26 15:35:00.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -plannedInspectionDate: null
  -reportToId: null
  -dateInspected: DateTime @1728004500 {#2166
    date: 2024-10-03 20:15:00.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -dateReviewReady: null
  -dateInvoiceReady: null
  -dateClosed: null
  -dateReopened: null
  -dateRejected: null
  -needsInspection: true
  -needsThirdParty: false
  -isLocked: false
  -isCat: false
  -xactErrorMessage: ""
  -xactErrorCode: ""
  -formNumbers: "[01-22] 17392, [10-21] 57773"
  -formNumbersSet: "[01-22] 17392, [10-21] 57773"
  -mortgage: ""
  -coinsurance: ""
  -loanNumber: ""
  -settlementType: ""
  -specialNotes: ""
  -policyType: ""
  -propertyStatus: null
  -claimExceptions: null
  -customer: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\CustomerManagementBundle\Entity\Customer {#2320
    +__isInitialized__: true
    -id: 5727
    -carrierId: "3372030"
    -companyName: "Auto-Owners Claims Branch"
    -address: "??"
    -city: "??"
    -state: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\ResourceManagementBundle\Entity\State {#2838 …}
    -zip: "48909"
    -phone: "(800) 346-0346"
    -fax: "(517) 886-8751"
    -email: ""
    -allowToVoidInvoice: "Y"
    -notSendInvoiceXact: "N"
    -hoverReportStatus: 0
    -billingAddress: "P.O. Box 30660"
    -billingCity: "Lansing"
    -billingState: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\ResourceManagementBundle\Entity\State {#2838 …}
    -billingZip: "48909"
    -billingPhone: "(517) 323-1200"
    -billingFax: "(517) 323-8796"
    -isTaxable: false
    -taxRate: false
    -daysToDiary: 7
    -customerNotes: ""
    -isActive: true
    -website: null
    -hasEmailAlerts: true
    -hasOpenLetter: false
    -hasReopenLetter: true
    -hasCloseLetter: false
    -comments: null
    -handlingInstructions: ""
    -invoiceRate: null
    -accountingReferenceId: null
    -claims: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2837 …}
    -disbursementLists: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2761 …}
    -feeScheduleCategories: null
    -autoDiaries: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2911 …}
    -adminFee: 0.0
    -minServiceExpense: 0.0
    -custAdminFee: 0.0
    -clientIntegrationType: 2
    -subCompanyId: 1
    -emailSubjectLine: "Claim #: claim_number- insured_full_name"
    -customerResources: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2908 …}
    -customerReporting: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2941 …}
    -customerCoverage: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2947 …}
    -tpaUi: false
    -echeckEmail: ""
    -fiscalStartMonth: 0
    -fiscalStartDay: 0
    -fiscalEndMonth: 0
    -fiscalEndDay: 0
    -fiscalYearChanged: null
    -invoiceWatermark: "FILE COPY DO NOT PAY"
    -attachAllReportsInvoice: true
    -validPaymentWindow: 0
    -xactProfileCode: "AZ"
    -symbilityProfileCode: null
    -clientPartner: null
    -subCompany: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\CompanyManagementBundle\Entity\Company {#3067 …}
    -updatedAt: DateTime @1690837666 {#2840
      date: 2023-07-31 16:07:46.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
    -isAutoclaim: false
    -allowExpense: false
    -billTo: null
    -accountingCode: null
    -insurerGroup: null
  -status: 15
  -minorBday: null
  -subStatusId: 0
  -settlement: null
  -policy: null
  -lossLocations: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2280 …}
  -reserves: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2262 …}
  -coverages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2182 …}
  -deductibles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2225 …}
  -resources: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2227 …}
  -previousResources: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2248 …}
  -notes: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2342 …}
  -disbursements: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2375 …}
  -claimsInsureds: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2402 …}
  -claimsOtherParty: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2429 …}
  -claimPerils: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2449 …}
  -invoices: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2515 …}
  -duplicateClaims: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2473 …}
  -adminFeeCharged: 0
  -claimTeam: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\ClaimManagementBundle\Entity\ClaimTeam {#2588
    +__isInitialized__: true
    -id: 66
    -name: "800 Auto-Owners"
    -description: ""
    -enabled: true
    -company: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\CompanyManagementBundle\Entity\Company {#3067 …}
    -customer: null
    -resourceCap: 100
    -catRadius: 1500
    -catCarrierId: 500
    -xactTeam: 1
    -symbilityTeam: 0
    -catLat: 41.403465
    -catLng: -86.287529
    -claimTeamResources: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#3795 …}
    -email: null
    -updatedAt: DateTime @1721679778 {#3794
      date: 2024-07-22 15:22:58.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
    -dispatchTeam: false
    -carrierDispatchTeams: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#3816 …}
  -planId: null
  -transactionId: "063YS5W"
  -hasClaimantInvolved: false
  -peril: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\ClaimManagementBundle\Entity\Peril {#2557 …}
  -subPeril: null
  -assignmentDate: null
  -inspectionNote: ""
  -mortgageBank: ""
  -claimRep: null
  -claimBranchCode: null
  -assigneeDisplay: null
  -priorLossInfo: null
  -parentTask: null
  -subTaskIndex: 0
  -sentToApi: null
  -reopenDenialDescriptionLine: null
  -isCasualtyClaim: false
  -colors: [
    5 => "E04541"
    10 => "FF0000"
    12 => "3C3AAD"
    13 => "62219B"
    14 => "543904"
    15 => "397FD3"
    20 => "551a8b"
    23 => "32cd32"
    25 => "0000ff"
    30 => "333338"
  -names: [
    5 => "Unassigned"
    6 => "Unassigned"
    10 => "First Contact"
    12 => "Re-Inspection"
    13 => "Re-Opened"
    14 => "Returned Files"
    15 => "In Progress"
    20 => "Ready for Review"
    23 => "In Progress - Examiner"
    25 => "Ready for Invoice"
    30 => "Closed"
    66 => "Draft"
    97 => "Claim Tech closing"
    98 => "Pending examiner"
    99 => "In progress - Claim tech"
    100 => "DA Review"
    101 => "Final Report Due"
    103 => "Status Report Uploaded"
    106 => "Ready to invoice TPA"
  -mastPol: null
  -mastPolStart: null
  -mastPolEnd: null
  -referred: false
  -propertyType: null
  -umr: null
  -denial: false
  -reviewer: null
  -agent: Proxies\__CG__\Globals\ClaimManagementBundle\Entity\ClaimAgent {#2562 …}
  -claimType: null
  -claimLimits: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2589 …}
  -reportPDFStacking: null
  -parent: 0
  -treatyNumber: "0"
  -subTreatyNumber: "0"
  -assignmentId: null
  -assistiveResource: null
  -agencyNumber: null
  -adjustingFirmClaimNumber: null
  -lossLatitude: "46.2957603"
  -lossLongitude: "-95.6144147"
  -denialDescriptionLine: null
  -cwopReason: null
  -reopenAckDate: null
  -reopenClosedDate: null
  -reopenSettlementType: null
  -reopenCwopRsn: null
  -lineOfBusiness: null
  -customerCatCode: ""
  -liabilityType: null
  -recoveriesType: null
  -propertyDamageType: null
  -updatedAt: DateTime @1728004819 {#2167
    date: 2024-10-03 20:20:19.0 America/Chicago (-05:00)
  -isClaimCategory: 1
  -resourcesExternal: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2594 …}
  -autoClaim: null
  -coverageEffectiveDate: null
  -contact: null
  -contactResponsePhone: null
same as passed value
same as passed value

Resolved Options

View Variables